Adventure, Communication, Discipleship, The North, Wildlife

How Hunting Helps Me See God as Provider

Where does your meat come from?

Living in the North, and experiencing a culture of subsistence hunting and fishing, I see God as Provider and Father. It’s one thing to grab a package of meat at the grocery store. It’s another thing entirely to be part of the process, from the field to the plate. There’s a respect that grows when you realize the effort, skill, and patience required to harvest an animal, process it, and provide for your family.

Before moving to Alaska in 2008, I had always been a fisherman but never a hunter. Hunting in Canada required more paperwork to own a firearm so I just never pursued it. (I did eventually work through it all in 2014 when I moved to the Yukon, but that’s another story.)

Upon arriving in Alaska, I realized that anyone without a criminal record could own and carry a firearm without paperwork. After a few trips to the shooting range, I was ready to bring home some meat!

Small Game Hunting with My Sons

I started with small game. My sons and I would head into the woods behind our house, tracking the elusive snowshoe hare. I still remember the excitement of returning home, not just as family members, but as providers. We would also hunt Sprouse Grouse when they were in season.

Big game hunting was a whole new challenge!

My first experience was following along behind my friend Pat, a seasoned hunter from church, on a black bear hunt. It was his tag, so I couldn’t pull the trigger, but the experience was unforgettable!

It was early spring, and the bears were just emerging from hibernation. We hiked up to some mountain lakes, glassing the mountainside until Pat spotted one. It was a tiny black dot moving across the ridge. He moved in slowly while I hung back. Two loud cracks echoed through the valley, and the bear tumbled down into the alders.

When we reached the site, we were standing over a massive black bear; six feet from nose to tail and weighing around 300 pounds. (See photo above.) For the hunters out there, Pat used a 7mm Remington Magnum with a 140-grain bullet.

Helping him pack out the head, rug, and over 80 pounds of meat was one of the hardest and most rewarding things I’ve ever done. Pat generously gave me all of the meat, providing for my family in a way I’ll never forget.

Recognizing God as Provider Through Hunting

Hunting has given me a great appreciation for life. Every breath I take, every heartbeat I stop for food, is a gift from God. As the Creator and Sustainer of life, He has given us the ability to enjoy His creation and the resources within it.

When I take the life of an animal to feed my family, I don’t take it lightly. There’s a reverence and humility that comes with it. It’s something I never experienced when grabbing a package of meat at the store.

“For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.” (1 Timothy 4:4)

Seeing God as provider reminds me that the animal’s life sustains mine, a truth that has deepened my faith.

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Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

  • Are you a hunter? How has hunting shaped your relationships with family, friends, or God?

  • If you’ve never hunted, what do you think about the idea of harvesting your own food?

  • How does experiencing God as Provider in nature deepen your faith?

Photo Credit: P. Teakell, Fuller Lakes, AK

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