Discipleship, Wildlife

How Christmas Dinner Reminds Us of God’s Provision

What will you have for Christmas dinner?

I hope you and your family are enjoying your time together. This season is a time to celebrate the arrival of Jesus and reflect on the blessings and provisions God has given us throughout the year. This is especially true when we gather around the table for Christmas dinner.

Our Christmas dinner, whatever it may include and however it may arrive, is both a tradition and a blessing. The food we share today serves as a tangible reminder of God’s faithful provision, a gift we should never take for granted.

Reflecting on God’s Provision

Have you taken a moment to consider how God has provided food for you this past year? Maybe it’s something we’ve taken for granted as we fill our plates without much thought. But when we pause to reflect, we realize the difference between merely consuming food and truly appreciating the source of that provision.

“The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food in due season. You open your hand; you satisfy the desire of every living thing.” (Psalm 145:15-16)

Whether the food comes from a grocery store or directly from the land, it’s all a gift from God.

A Rural Perspective on Provision

If you’ve ever spent Christmas in a rural community, you’ve probably noticed a deeper connection to the food on the table. Families who farm, raise livestock or hunt develop a unique awareness of God’s provision.

  • Rainfall or lack thereof can make or break a season’s harvest.
  • Temperature swings can shift wildlife migration, impacting a hunt.
  • The price of grain or livestock can influence the shared wealth of the community.

In these places, the link between human effort and God’s provision becomes clearer. Every bite of food carries a sense of gratitude for the Creator who sustains life.

A Meal of Thanksgiving

This isn’t to say that larger communities lack gratitude or awareness of God’s provision. I grew up in a city, bought groceries at the store, and appreciated those blessings as well. And yet, there’s something unique about gathering around a table with food that feels directly connected to God’s hand, like a roast from a fall hunt or a turkey raised on a local farm.

The prayers over these meals often hold a deeper reverence, a recognition that every bite is a reminder of God’s faithfulness.

“For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer.” (1 Timothy 4:4-5)

Gratitude for All Provisions

No matter where your Christmas dinner comes from. whether it’s beef from a farm, wild game from the woods, or turkey from the grocery store, let’s remember to give thanks. Each meal is a reflection of God’s care and provision, and today is the perfect time to offer Him our heartfelt gratitude.

Enjoy your Christmas dinner and praise the Lord for His blessings this year!

Dive Deeper Into Scripture

Study these passages on God’s provision:

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

  1. What are you having for Christmas dinner this year?
  2. What part of the meal are you most thankful for and why?
  3. How can you use this time to reflect on God’s provision in your life?

Your thoughts are valuable! Why not leave a few?