The Millennium’s Turning Sweet 16

Do you remember being 16?
Age 16 is such a great time of life. The hormonal puberty rush of junior high has finally started to even out. Friendships and social structures have been well established. Interests, hobbies, sports and clubs have taken root and are beginning to flourish.
And age 16 is often a right of passage for many freedoms and firsts: The responsibilities of a part-time job, the excitement of getting a set of keys to the family vehicle, or maybe even a ‘new’ used car. How about that first date, or that first steady boyfriend or girlfriend?
At 16, it feels like the world is at our fingertips and it’s all about us; all day, every day, the world at 16 years old is an oyster with an unlimited supply of pearls!
I know, now you’re thinking,
“What does being 16 have to do with the Millennium?”
This Years Is Significant
This year is significant because teens that were born in Y2K will be turning 16. They’ll be all around us; driving on our streets, working in local establishments, beginning to carve out their place in this world and in our communities.
But now you’re thinking,
“Was Y2K really 16 years ago?“
Y2K Was 16 Years Ago
Yup, 16 years ago; when all the computers were going to crash, banks were going to lose balance and transaction information; and according to many dooms-day preachers, Jesus was coming back.
Obviously none of that happened, but it was a serious concern for many people at that time.
And yet, most 16 year olds today won’t even be able to comprehend the thought of technology failing on a personal level, never mind globally. After all, an iPhone hitting 5% before the day’s done is a serious situation!
This Year’s 16 Year Olds
This year’s 16 year olds have lived in a world where technology is central to everyday life, intertwining itself into ever aspect of their culture.
They’ve always had the Internet. Airbags are as standard in new vehicles as seat belts. Television commercials are optional or can be avoided entirely if needs-be. Google Maps is the only way to get directions, even if the road or trail leads into the river.
And coming across a payphone is a chance to get a Selfie with an ancient artefact. (Yup, believe it or not, it’s a thing.)
Happy Sweet 16 Millennium!
As the Millennium turns sweet 16, we might want to pause and consider that these 16 years olds will be adults in a few years. They’ll gradually be moving into the workforce within the next decade. Soon enough, they’ll be getting married and starting families.
As we begin to rub elbows with this tech-savvy or tech-dependent generation, what will our world look like?
Resolutions, Commitments & Big Plans
Right now, as the New Year approaches, many of us are making big plans for the future. But a discussion with one of this year’s 16 year olds might indicate that some serious cultural shifts are on their way. These cultural shifts may drastically change our big plans.
So what should we do? Should we bother planning at all? Where should we fix our focus?
Thankfully, Scripture gives us some excellent insight into planning within a time of cultural shift, change and uncertainty. This will be our focus all week-long. Click the green “Subscribe Now” button below, to receive these upcoming posts, straight to your inbox.
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Can I Have Your Feedback?
What do you remember about being 16 years old? How will it compare to this year’s 16 year olds?