Northern Roads by Jeremy Norton
Books, Church, Discipleship, OT

God’s Majesty Moves Hundreds of Youth to Boldly Respond

Francis Chan at YC 2013

Last night, I had the incredible privilege of hearing one of my role models, Francis Chan, speak about God’s majesty to thousands of students.

Francis Chan, known worldwide for his passion for Scripture and authentic faith, once again brought the Word of God powerfully to young hearts. Speaking at the YC Conference in Edmonton, AB, he shared a message that highlighted the overwhelming majesty of God, which left a profound impact on everyone present.

Consumed by God’s Majesty

Using Isaiah 6:1-6 as his reference, Chan opened up a topic that many of us wrestle with: Are we truly consumed by God’s majesty?

“In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple” (Isaiah 6:1, ESV).

The scene in Isaiah captures the overwhelming holiness of God, with seraphim crying out:

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!” (Isaiah 6:3, ESV).

This isn’t the picture of a casual buddy. It’s the image of a God who is worthy of awe, reverence, and worship.

A Call to Boldness in God’s Majesty

Too often, especially when speaking to youth, we present God more as a friendly companion. While it’s true that Jesus is our friend and brother, we must not forget the majesty of the God we serve. Chan made this clear as he ended his message on his knees, visibly consumed by God’s majesty. His posture reflected the reverence he wanted to convey to the thousands of young people in the crowd.

A Life-Changing Response to God’s Majesty

Rather than following the typical “heads bowed, eyes closed” routine, Chan issued a bold and public invitation. He challenged the students to stand openly and commit their lives to God. No half-hearted hand raises. He called for an honest, courageous stand in front of their peers.

The response was overwhelming. Without hesitation, hundreds of students rose to their feet, boldly declaring their commitment to love and follow God. It was a powerful moment where ordinary words, spoken by a humble man, were transformed by the Holy Spirit, changing hundreds of lives in an instant.

Witnessing God’s Majestic Grace First-Hand

What an incredible blessing it was to witness this firsthand. Watching God move in the hearts of so many young people, bringing them into His love and grace, was an unforgettable experience. His majesty once again revealed His power to transform lives.

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

  • What does being “consumed by God’s majesty” mean to you?
  • How can we balance God’s friendship with His holiness in our daily lives?
  • Have you ever had a moment where God’s majesty became real to you? Share your experience!

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