Northern Roads by Jeremy Norton
Books, Ministry

How Does Sin Work? A Small Group Discussion

Working through the Surrender series by Francis Chan for teens and young adults.

Here’s the first part of our sessions on “Surrender SIN”. (The second will follow tonight or tomorrow morning.)


I have two pieces of tape here. One of them I just pulled off the roll and is as sticky as can be. The other piece I pulled off a few minutes before. Many of you witnessed me take that piece of tape and place it on some of your pants, shirts, hair, etc.

Following each placement, I ripped the tape off, carrying with it debris from each person it was placed on. Not only each of your debris but the debris from other people who you have spent time with during your day or maybe, even your week.

Tonight, we’re going to talk about SIN. Sin is a lot like the debris that we find on this piece of tape. You see, God created us to be pure and clean like this untouched piece of tape.

Unfortunately, each of us carries a sin nature that we were born with, so we will all carry a certain amount of debris on us. Throughout our lives, we do have choices as to how much debris we pick up from the places we go and the people we associate with.

As teenagers, you all are at a crucial time of life, where there is unlimited potential to pick up piles of sin debris!


Surrender SIN – “How Sin Works” from Surrender Series. (Download the Surrender resources at

Small Groups:

  1. What feelings or emotions were stirred during Jacob’s story? Can you relate? If so, How?
  2. How would you describe SIN? Do you remember how Francis defined SIN?
  3. Why would God want us to avoid certain things? Why would it matter to Him?
  4. Do you think sexual SIN is worse than other SINS? Why or Why Not?
  5. Read James 1:13-15. According to this passage, how many steps are included in the SINNING process? What are these steps?
  6. Think through the passages’ imagery of birth and death. Why has God led James to speak in such harsh terms?
  7. Read Psalm 1:1-2. What three types of people are mentioned in these verses? What do the “mockers” mock and why is it important to avoid deep relationships with these people?
  8. Do you have any of these relationships right now? How are they affecting you?
  9. How much of the SIN in your life is based around the people you spend time with? What steps are you willing to take to address this problem?

As per each Surrender lesson plan post, here’s Francis Chan’s Surrender promo video.

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  • In your own words, how would you describe how sin works?

2 thoughts on “How Does Sin Work? A Small Group Discussion

    1. If you think the promo video was good, you should see the actual study videos; they’re amazing! Thanks for your comment and thanks for supporting!

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