Discipleship, Leadership, Outreach

Finding Balance Between Evangelism and Discipleship

How to Reach Others While Strengthening Believers

There are times when we need to refocus on what truly matters. For me, these past few weeks have been filled with family time, but now it’s time to step back into ministry, anticipating what God has in store. Finding a balance between discipleship and evangelism is key to fulfilling our Gospel mandate.

Too often, churches become inwardly focused. The desire for deep community is good, but it can create an ‘in-the-club’ mentality. When that happens, relationships with unbelievers fade, and evangelism slows to a stop.

This ministry season, I’m praying that our staff and congregation will make bold efforts to reach people who don’t yet know Jesus.

As Paul reminds us in Romans 10:14 (ESV), “How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard?”

Reaching the Next Generation Through Evangelism and Discipleship

During my time serving in youth and college ministry, I saw firsthand the power of reconnecting evangelism as an integral component of discipleship. Those years were formative in shaping my understanding of ministry balance; not to be overwhelmed by congregational care to the point of neglecting the lost.

During my time as a youth pastor in Alaska, I had the opportunity to serve in a middle school mentorship program, working with students struggling academically. Their struggles were often due to difficult home lives. My heart ached for them.

While I couldn’t openly share the Gospel in school, I could model biblical principles, offering wisdom grounded in truth. I was also able to answer direct questions related to spiritual matters. Over time, some of these students started attending our youth program, where I could openly share Jesus with them. Seeing them encounter Christ was exhilarating!

Balancing Discipleship and Evangelism in Ministry

Ministry requires balance. Focusing solely on discipleship can lead to stagnation, while an evangelism-only approach risks shallow roots. Jesus calls us to both. We should be making disciples and reaching the lost. And the benefit of reaching the lost is that we acquire more disciples!

Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV) says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

For pastors and ministry workers in particular, staying connected with unbelievers can be difficult because our role generally keeps us outside of daily public life. We need to be intentional to keep us engaged with unchurched people and therefore, on mission.

When we regularly interact with those outside the church, we remember why we do what we do. People need Jesus. Our calling is to build bridges that lead them to Him. May we all pursue that balance between discipleship and evangelism.

Dive Deeper Into Scripture

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  • How are you planning to reach others?
  • What discipleship efforts will you focus on?
  • Where do you see the greatest need for balance in your ministry?

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