Northern Roads by Jeremy Norton
Bible, Discipleship, OT

Feeling Distant from God and Finding Reconnection

Have you ever felt distant from God?

From a theological perspective, if you’ve placed your trust in Jesus, your connection with God is secured. And yet, sometimes there’s an emotional gap in the relationship. If you’ve ever felt this, you’re not alone. You’re feeling distant from God and you’re seeking a feeling of reconnection.

I remember a time when I was serving in Alaska and went through a particularly low point in my connection with God. I never doubted my relationship with Him or the fact that I would eventually feel close to Him again.

And yet, in that moment, it felt like I was emotionally and relationally paralyzed—knowing I needed to return to God but unable to take that first step of returning. Something deep inside was holding me back.

A Timely Encouragement to Reconnect

One day, as I sat in a coffee shop feeling lost, a friend noticed that I seemed off or out of sorts. I explained my struggle. He encouraged me to take some extended time alone with God and really focus on reconnecting. Then before he left, he prayed for me, quoting Psalm 27 in his prayer.

His prayer led me to leave the coffee shop and head over to our church. I found a quiet space, where I opened my Bible to Psalm 27, seeking that same peace in which he prayed. The words resonated deeply:

“Hear, O Lord, when I cry aloud; be gracious to me and answer me!” (Psalm 27:7, ESV)

I kept reading through chapter 27, then into 28, until I read this well-known verse:

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.” (Psalm 28:7, ESV)

Reconnecting After Feeling Distant from God

If you’re feeling distant from God—whether from sin, doubt, or just life’s heaviness—let me encourage you to spend time with Him instead of avoiding Him. Reconnect through prayer and Scripture, just as I did with Psalms 27 and 28.

These passages offer comfort and guidance, reminding us of God’s unfailing love. Our Heavenly Father is always ready to embrace us, with all offences wiped away through Christ. Reconciliation and restoration are already available to us.

Practical Steps to Reconnect with God

Realizing that some of you may feel the need for steps to take, I’ve put together this optional process, that may help with your reconnection.

  1. Set aside dedicated time for prayer and Scripture reading.
  2. Find a quiet place where you can focus solely on your relationship with God.
  3. Consider reading through Psalms 27 and 28 to guide your thoughts and prayers.
  4. Openly share your heart with God, asking Him to restore your sense of closeness.

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

  1. What struggles distance you from the Father?
  2. What helps you reconnect when you feel far from God?
  3. How has Scripture played a role in your spiritual renewal?

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