The Mountaintop Descent (Mt. 17:7-9)

This week, we’ve been working through a post-series on Matthew 17:1-9.
Which mountaintop is Christ calling us to climb?
Despite the fear and anxiety, is the view from the mountaintop worth it? Are we ready for the experience He’s prepared for us?
“Don’t be afraid.” (17:7)
After experiencing the transfiguration at the mountaintop, the disciples aren’t looking anywhere. They’re still in terror. Their eyes are closed and they are facedown on the ground.
Just then, Jesus offers these soft words for his students:
“Get Up.” “Don’t be afraid.” (17:7)
This is really a great example of the Father and the Son, and the cooperative work of the Godhead. Our great Overseer the Heavenly Father working in perfect harmony with our Friend and Brother, Jesus Christ.
“…they saw no one…” (17:8)
This mountaintop experience rose with triumphant stages, but it ends quite calmly and almost suddenly. The disciples look up and the Father’s voice is silent, the clouds are rolled back, Moses and Elijah are gone and Jesus is back to His earthly form.
What an experience they have endured!
“As they were coming down…” (17:9)
Can you imagine the debrief conversation that took place as they climbed down the mountain? Think about how you would feel, what you would be thinking; reliving each second over and over in your mind.
Maybe they were just silent, still in shock over the mountaintop experience?
At some point as they descended, Jesus warns them not to tell anyone what they have seen until He “has been raised from the dead.” (17:9)
Can you imagine?
I would be asking,
“I’ve got to keep this a secret? Can’t we at least tell the other disciples Jesus?”
And yet, if Jesus had of intended the other disciples to witness this experience, He would have brought them all to the mountaintop.
The reality is that the others are waiting at the bottom and had no idea what was taking place. Jesus had specifically chosen these three men to take part in this amazing mountaintop experience.
Our Mountaintop Ascent
We’re all on a mountaintop journey. What mountain is Jesus Christ calling you to climb? Perhaps, it’s the mountaintop of faith? Perhaps you have never put your trust in Him and today, you know it’s time to ascend that mountain of commitment.
If so, then tell Him now. Bow your head and tell Him you are a sinner, that you believe He is the Messiah, the Son of God and that you are ready to climb to the mountaintop and be saved today.
Perhaps it’s some other aspect of your faith-journey? Is there something that Christ is calling you to give up for Him? Perhaps an area of heartache, sin or struggle?
Maybe you’ve been holding onto something for a long time, and it’s preventing you from ascending to the level Christ is calling you to?
As you read this, lay all of your heartache, sin and struggle before Him. Lay those heavy burdens on Him. Renew your commitment and your desire to see the mountaintop again.
Our Mountaintop Experience
Maybe you are experiencing the mountaintop this morning? You know Jesus Christ personally and you have committed your entire life to Him.
Currently, you are experiencing the good life, with minimal areas of struggle and temptation. That is awesome!
As you read this, enjoy that sweet spot at the mountaintop, with the Saviour’s shining on your face like the sun. Offer up thanksgiving and praise for this time of peace and joy.
Our Mountaintop Descent
What will our descent look like? One day, this Mountaintop experience will be over. It might be tomorrow. It might be many years from now.
If have committed your life to Jesus Christ, you will descend into the lush valleys of our Promised Land. We will enter heaven and we will sit at a communion table, with Jesus; His face shining like the sun and His clothes as white as light.
I can’t wait, can you?
Join the Conversation, Leave Your Thoughts
In your life, what aspect of the mountaintop experience are you feeling today?