Adventure, Creation, Discipleship

Experience God’s Creation, Experience His Strength and Splendour

Still Enjoying the Wonder of God’s Creation

Yesterday I shared some thoughts about the importance of taking time to appreciate God’s creation. Christians should make this a discipline of sorts, an ongoing pursuit to experience God’s creation as part of our spiritual enrichment.

I get it, busy schedules and project deadlines often keep us indoors, but when we do get outside, there’s an intended connection that takes place. We’re reminded of the magnitude and might of a Heavenly Father who loves us and is guiding us.

Humbled by the Wonder of God’s Creation

Time spent in creation can cause us to reflect on our current challenges and trials. In a setting that showcases God’s sustaining hand, our struggles can be put in their proper place, as we stand in awe of the One who is far greater than anything we might face.

For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible.

Colossians 1:16, ESV

For areas of sin, in particular, pride, which is the root of most of our issues, the created world humbles us. Witnessing God’s created high places brings us down from our mental and emotional high places. We are awed by our Creator’s innovation and artistic design.

Witnessing the Wonder of God’s Creation

In my career, I’ve been blessed to live in areas of North America that offer ample opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. The Muskoka’s of Ontario, central Alberta with access to the Rockies, Alaska and now in the Yukon.

My four-year term in Alaska, on the Kenai Peninsula, was particularly unique and memorable. I witnessed the Lord’s spectacular, yet wild creation daily. If you’re interested, you can read all about it in my memoir on becoming a pastor in the North titled, Northern Roads.

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.

Psalm 19:1, ESV

God has been gracious to me, that through a few key experiences, I’ve gained firsthand insight into the strength and splendour of God’s handiwork. Many times I have been left in awe, that I serve the One who spoke these powerful and beautiful things into existence.

Experiencing the Wonder of God’s Creation (for Yourself)

To further explore the magnificence of God’s creation, consider visiting a National Park or Christian retreat centre and use those visits as opportunities for reflection and worship in nature.

If you’re new to getting outside and want a bit more inspiration, read this Desiring God article on enjoying God’s creation. And if you’re reading this in the winter months, check out this related post on the spiritual renewal that can be found in creation…even in the winter!

Join the Conversation Share Your Thoughts

  1. In your opinion, which area of the world shows the greatest amount of God’s strength and splendour?
  2. How do you make time to experience God’s creation amidst a busy schedule?
  3. What has been your most memorable experience in the wilderness?

4 thoughts on “Experience God’s Creation, Experience His Strength and Splendour

  1. Dave Ferguson says:

    I don’t think I can say its the greatest amount of strength ….. but for me it is the very delicate flowers and plant growth in the high alpine regions ….. hike near a glacier or up in the sunshine meadows or some of the high passes and you see all by itself seemingly growing out of solid rock or bare ground a delicate little flower ….. It’s like God saying, I am here.

  2. Thanks Dave. Great reminder that even in the tiniest piece of God’s handiwork, His splendour is evident!


  3. Jeremy, I strongly agree with everything you are advocating. Nature has a beauty about it that is beyond words. I would say that the Teton’s are a phenomenal place to see the grandeur of our God….really puts one in perspective. If you have time, take a look at my blog…the whole purpose behind my blog is advocating this need, appreciation and awe of nature! Keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks for your comment Thomas! I have yet to discover the Teton’s…the bucket list grows! I will definitely check out your blog. Thanks for the support.


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