Northern Roads by Jeremy Norton
Bible, Discipleship, Gospels

Discover the True Answer to Life’s Most Important Question

Ask why?

“Why?” has always been life’s most important question for us as human beings. It’s important from the very beginning of life. Little kids are notorious for asking their parents, “Why?” after every statement, instruction, or event.

Andy Stanley, a well-known pastor, teacher, and author, once said: “Show me any organization that is running well, and I will show you people in that organization who know what they do and why they do it.”

Why Do We Ask “Why?”

Do you know humanity’s favourite question about our existence? “Why?” “Why are we here?” “Why do we exist?” Unlike animals, who simply address core needs like food, water, and procreation, humans need a reason. The “why” is crucial to our existence.

Thankfully, Jesus knows that.

Jesus Reveals the Ultimate “Why”

Shortly after Jesus rose from the dead, He stirred excitement by appearing to various people. In Luke 24, the disciples hear the news of Jesus’ resurrection, and suddenly, guess who shows up? Jesus Himself!

The disciples are still in total amazement, and Jesus reminds them that Scripture had been pointing to this moment all along.

“Then he said to them, ‘These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.’” (Luke 24:44, ESV)

Jesus goes on to explain His death and resurrection:

“Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.” (Luke 24:46-47, ESV)

Jesus Clarifies the Purpose of His Mission

First, Jesus reminds the disciples that everything in history has led up to Him. All of the Old Testament pointed to Him—through Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms.

Then, He “opened their minds to understand the Scriptures” (Luke 24:45).

After three years of listening to His teaching, witnessing His miracles, and experiencing the sadness of His crucifixion, the disciples now needed to understand the “why” behind it all.

The Ultimate “Why” for Humanity

In verse 47, Jesus lays out the “why” for His mission: “…that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations.”

This message wasn’t just for Jerusalem or the disciples; it was for everyone, everywhere. Throughout all of history, repentance has led to the forgiveness of sins.

This is the answer to so many of the “whys” that fill human existence. Why are we here? Why do we exist? Because “there is forgiveness of sins for all who repent.” This is what all of history has been pointing toward—the ultimate resolution for life’s most important question.

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

  • How has understanding the forgiveness of sins answered the “whys” in your life?
  • What “why” questions have you found answers to in your faith journey?
  • How has Jesus’ mission impacted your understanding of life’s purpose?

2 thoughts on “Discover the True Answer to Life’s Most Important Question

  1. Knowing that my sins are forgiven despite myself has given me a purpose in life. I am here to help those that cannot help themselves. I have spent most of my life chasing professional success and have in recent months really started thinking about why I am doing what I am and how will I leave this place when I am gone.

    My family and I have been convicted of not doing all that we should to further the kingdom work that has been put before us and that is our mission going forward. To show and tell of the love of Jesus to all, regardless of previous transgressions, lot in life or nationality. The gospel story leaves us no choice, there is no gray area…either we are being disciples of Christ or we are not.

    We are forgiven and are given grace by nothing we have done but by who He is and that gives me much freedom, joy and peace!

    1. That sounded like a post in itself Mr. Smith! Thank you so much for replying and sharing such rich content. I agree 100% – all or nothing! Once again, thank you.

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