Northern Roads by Jeremy Norton
Church, Gospels, Ministry, Outreach

Denominational Lines, Church League Softball, and Jesus

That’s right, I said “Church League“!

When we lived in Alaska, there was an interdenominational softball league, where churches across our region put together a team of members and attenders. It was a co-ed league, made up of men and women, And friends and families would come to watch and cheer. It was a lot of fun!

I remember my first game. I soon found out that not everyone attended church. Each team invited in a few ringers; players who didn’t attend any church but played softball really well. Human nature kicks in when sports are being played. Although each team stated, “It’s just for fun“, they wanted to win. I can’t blame them.

Truth be told, I wanted to win too.

It was in the middle of the game that I chuckled to myself. I looked around and found the whole concept hilarious. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not hating on the game or the league. I participated to the best of my ability and really enjoyed it.

My thoughts of humour were based on the denominational divides. A varied spectrum of theological experiences and traditions had come together to face one another in sport. Baptists vs. Pentecostals, the Brethren vs. the Covenant; I couldn’t help but wonder…

What team would Jesus play for?

Would He choose a team based on theology or sportsmanship? Assuming good sportsmanship is connected to Christian character that is. Or would He be an equal opportunity ringer, playing for everyone, switching teams each week to week? Perhaps He would refuse to play, and just be a spectator in the bleachers, cheering everyone on?

Would Jesus be there at all? Instead, would He be making the rounds, speaking to people and serving them? Perhaps healing them and praying with them? Would Jesus even play church league softball? What do you think?

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

  • What team do you think Jesus would play for?
  • Do you think He’d play at all? Why or why not?

7 thoughts on “Denominational Lines, Church League Softball, and Jesus

  1. i think he’d be in the stands with the others eating hot dogs & popcorn.. drinking a coke and speaking with the fans. He’d be watching his followers, encouraging them on, cheering each of them, cheering loudest for the guy who never played before but tried his hardest. watching the attitudes slip downward as people got frustrated at the ump. or at the other team. finding and using the ‘teachable moments’ with the regular joes watching.

    or he’s over at the other diamonds in the town league.

  2. Amazing response Michelle! Very true on all accounts. The people are the most important. I especially liked the final ‘town leagues’ comment. I hear some ‘I did not come to heal the well’ teaching within that comment. Thank you so much for supporting my writing by leaving a comment. I greatly appreciate friends like you as I strive forward.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’m with Michelle on the town league comment. I think he might be playing or spectating in the the “Beer League”. He might even buy the first round or turn the water into beer!

    1. I didn’t mean to be anonymous. This is Keith

    2. Hey Keith! Yes, I think you’re on to something! Jesus would likely do the opposite of what the religious elite would want Him to do…joining the beer league instead of the church league would definitely shock them!

  4. I think Jesus would be standing at the gate inviting all to come in and play. Jesus would be on the team of players who entered through the narrow gate. Players on both teams will be shocked to see players from their own church denominations on both teams.

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