Discipleship, Ministry

How a Child Sponsorship Transformed My Family’s Life

Do you know about Compassion Child Sponsorship?

We’ve been sponsoring a child through Compassion for over a decade now. It all started at the Creation Festival when we heard a young man from the Dominican Republic share his inspiring story. He explained how his life was completely transformed thanks to the support he received through Compassion.

How Sponsorship Changed One Boy’s Future

The young man shared how his future changed after he became part of the Compassion program. Born into poverty, he had little hope of improving his life or helping his family.

However, one day a young girl from the United States, who was attending a music festival, felt called to take action. She decided to sponsor him, which became a lifeline—providing not just food and clothing but, most importantly, an education that opened new doors.

This young man, now standing before us, had recently completed his Master’s degree. He thanked God and the young girl who made a commitment that changed his life forever.

That day, I knew we had to sponsor a child too.

Our Journey with Jefferson

That’s when we adopted Jefferson, a young boy from Peru. We would receive letters, telling us how much he loves his grandmother, soccer, and Spider-Man! Receiving his letters and drawings over the years has brought us so much joy. Including my boys in the process of supporting Jefferson, their South American brother, has been an incredible blessing.

As Jesus taught in Matthew 25:40 (ESV), “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”

Through sponsorship, we can live out this call from Jesus in a tangible way.

If you’d like to know more about Compassion and how you can help, check out Compassion.ca and find out why sponsorship is crucial in breaking the cycle of poverty.

Why We Believe in Child Sponsorship

If you’ve never looked into Compassion, I highly recommend it. The organization is committed to using the majority of its funds to help children, their families, and communities. Their focus is on real, lasting impact, not on administrative costs, ensuring your sponsorship makes a difference.

James 1:27 (ESV) tells us, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

I believe this truly embodies Compassion’s mission.

Sponsorship is a program I wholeheartedly support. I encourage you to consider sponsoring a child today—it could transform their life and yours.

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

  1. What advice would you give to someone considering child sponsorship?
  2. Do you sponsor a child through Compassion?
  3. How has this experience changed your family?

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