A Continued Petition To Surrender Sin – Small Group Study
The final session of Surrender Sin from Francis Chan’s Surrender series.
As promised, here’s Francis Chan’s second session of Surrender SIN. Keep your eye out in the next couple of weeks as we finish our Surrender series with Surrender SELF.
Last week, many of you went into your small groups with this topic of Surrender SIN and truly poured your hearts out. I heard amazing things from small group leaders regarding humility in admittance struggle and temptation, as you decided to start gutting the sin out of your lives.
I am proud of you all! I’d urge you to continue these conversations tonight, as we take in part two of Surrender Sin.
Surrender SIN – “How Sin Works” from Surrender Series. (Download the Surrender resources at RightNowMedia.org.)
Small Groups:
- SIN is often described as a cycle that we can’t escape. Have you found this to be true in your life? If so, explain.
- Read Romans 7:18-25. Does this passage further explain the SIN cycle? If so, how?
- What is the answer to the question in verse 24? How can we be rescued from the SIN cycle?
- Read Romans 8:9-11. What role does the Holy Spirit play in assisting us out of the SIN cycle? How can you be sure that you have the Holy Spirit’s help?
- Read Ephesians 2:1-10. How do these verses define us? Who are we, according to this text?
- What has God done for us? What were we created for?
- Are you achieving your created purpose? Have you placed your faith in Jesus Christ? Do you know what that means?
- Read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. If you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ, you have received the Holy Spirit, empowering you to resist temptation and SIN. But what do these verses teach us about our responsibility in this fight?
- Take some time, be vulnerable and share your heart with your small group. Use an experience in your life to describe how the Holy Spirit has or is assisting in your battle against the SIN cycle.
Surrender series promo by Francis Chan and BlueFishTV.
Join The Conversation, Share Your Thoughts
- How do you resist the cycle and surrender sin?