Our family has been enjoying the new Disney+ series titled, The Santa Clauses; a sequel TV series to the three Santa Claus films with actor, Tim Allen. During the writing of this series, a bit of discord between Allen and the Disney writers surfaced.
Read MoreOur family was hitting up Florida theme parks in February 2020. The greatest fear at that time? Upside-down roller coasters! Not COVID. People had coughs and colds, kids had runny noses, and touched everything, but there were no safety precautions. Lines were tight, no one wearing masks, and no hand-sanitizer stations. Simply put, there was no fear. Will we ever get back there?
Read MoreWe’ve been in a wilderness over the past two years. Our wilderness has been social, societal, phycological and political. It’s been very exhausting, like walking through the wilderness. We have been bombarded with fear through confusion, isolation and polarization.
Read More“So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples.” (Matthew 28:8) Note this specific phrase: “Afraid, yet filled with joy.” The women’s emotional state is my focus. How is this possible? Let’s find out together!
Read MoreIn Matthew 25, we find a unique parable of three servants who are each given a portion of their master’s money to invest. There are some life lessons to be learned from these servants and their bags of gold. More importantly, Jesus is pointing to something greater (as He always does).
Read MoreIn Matthew 24, Jesus is on the Mount of Olives with His disciples. He issues them three descriptions of His return, each one carrying a haunting theme. (1) Be Prepared, (2) Be Watchful and (3) Be Ready!
Read MoreIf you’ve spent any time in a church, you’ve heard Matthew 18 thrown out. Often during a challenging situation where there has been conflict. The struggle is that rarely do Christians use Jesus’ teaching correctly, and sometimes it’s used inappropriately. This can make situations worse, and put further stress on relationships.
Read MoreShepherds teach us joy this Christmas by showing that God’s love reaches the humble and outcast. Discover the joy of Christ’s birth today.
Read MoreDiscover how the forgiveness of sins for all who repent answers life’s most important question and offers true purpose in Christ.
Read MoreGrief’s pain is inevitable, but God’s comfort is real. Explore how Christian grief and finding peace can help us navigate loss and find hope in faith.
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