
Family, Leadership, Music

Embrace the Now; Being Present to Shape Your Family’s Future

Embrace the now to shape your family’s future by being present and engaged in your home.

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Family, Music

The Perfect Song for Christmas Morning

Ease into Christmas morning with Deni Gauthier’s warm rendition of Christmas Time Is Here. A peaceful start to a joyful day!

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Family, Leadership, Ministry

Why You Should Embrace Hard Work to Achieve Your Goals

Have you ever fallen asleep at work? It was a season of life that I’ll never forget; just before and after our first son was born. Wow, that was a lot of work! My wife, Nicole, and I were living in Airdrie, Alberta, Canada. I was commuting daily into Calgary, for a full-time sales position within the hospitality industry. I was good at my job, meeting sales targets and receiving bonuses. And yet, the hours were long and hard.

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Bible, Discipleship, Family

Are We Inadvertently Adding To Our Sex-Driven Culture?

Our culture is becoming increasingly sexualized. There are few who would deny that statement. As a pastor, I feel like I get a front-row seat to the results of this culture at least weekly, as I interact with people on a personal level, from all walks of life.

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Adventure, Creation, Family, Gospels, Leadership, The North

How Hobbies and Recreation Can Help You Invest In Your Deepest Relationships

Satan wants to destroy your deepest relationships; with your family and with Jesus. He’s a deceiver, convincing us that working is more important so that we’ll stay away from the people closest to us, and keep our focus away from God. Don’t be tricked; stop working and rest!

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Bible, Family, NT

Why You Show Her You Love Her, Everyday

Yesterday was my wife’s birthday and we had a great time with the family. Overall, she had a pretty enjoyable day doing some of the things she loves. And yet, as I think about how I acted yesterday, I feel convicted.

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Communication, Family, Leadership

The Benefit of Having a Staff Meeting Full of Friends

Once, while I was tucking my son into bed, I decided to pause and spend some time talking with him. He was 3 years old at the time. I started with a typical question, that always provided interesting content.

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Discipleship, Family

Why We Should Run To the Father with Our Shame and Remorse

As a father, my relationship with him has caused me to consider my relationship with our Heavenly Father on numerous occasions. The other night, he once again opened my eyes to a new understanding of the Father.

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Discipleship, Family

How Small Events Can Kick-Start a Child’s Prayer Life

“How hard could kick-starting really be?” The first couple of times I stepped on the kicker with no luck. My wife informed me that her dad used to really jump on it when kick-starting it. “Alright,” I thought “I can do this!”

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Discipleship, Family

How the Creativity of a Child Is Expressed Through Prayer

Much like other parents, my wife and I try to be intentional about praying with our oldest son. It’s tough to stay on top of it, but as I said, we’re trying! Since he’s been praying on his own, his typical prayer will sound something like the following.

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Bible, Discipleship, Family, NT, Outreach

How God Is Faithful Even In Times of Sorrow

Loss is hard. I remember walking with my wife after losing her father. It was really hard. However, when I think back, it was during our family’s sorrow that I found a renewed understanding of eternity and God’s faithfulness.

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Discipleship, Family

When Loss Hits Close to Home For the First Time

I’ve been processing through the morning my father-in-law lost his battle with lung cancer.  That morning will forever be solidified in my mind. It was my first real, close-to-home experience with grief, and I was not prepared for how debilitating it would be.

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