
Discipleship, Family, Leadership, NT

Praying for Healing or Ending the Suffering?

Navigating prayer for healing and trusting God’s will can be challenging. Here’s how to balance faith, compassion, and understanding.

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Church, Discipleship, Ministry, NT

Why You Should Reconnect with Your Faith Community THIS Sunday

Reconnect with your faith community; discover the benefits of regular church attendance and overcome challenges post-pandemic.

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Church, Discipleship, Leadership, Ministry, The North

Why Churches Should Embrace Our Gig Economy

Embrace the gig economy to find skilled, part-time church staff, enhancing mission fulfillment without the high costs of traditional full-time hiring.

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Communication, Discipleship, Leadership, NT

Wisdom In Solitude, Collaboration, and Spirit

Individual wisdom stems from personal experience and faith, while collective wisdom in groups sparks innovative solutions through respectful collaboration and spiritual guidance.

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Bible, Discipleship, NT, OT

3 Principles in Rediscovering the Art of Stopping

How to get 24 Hours of Sabbath Restoration: Have you ever wondered why some communities seem to defy the aging process, living longer and healthier lives than the rest of us? These regions, known as “Blue Zones,” hold secrets to longevity. These communities get up to 10 years more life than the surrounding population.

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Bible, Discipleship, Gospels, Leadership, NT, OT

4 Steps to Embracing Change

A Biblical Perspective on Adaptation and Growth: In life’s journey, one of the most crucial lessons is realizing that “You don’t know, what you don’t know.” This truth becomes apparent as we encounter unexpected challenges and need to adapt to ever-changing circumstances. Starting something new can be a challenge, but having to change course in the middle of the journey can be a great obstacle to overcome.

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Bible, Discipleship, Gospels

How Commitment Builds Momentum In Our Faith

“Practice what you preach.” “Talk the talk, walk the walk!” We’ve all had those times where we struggle to translate our intentions into actions. Commitment is more than a passive engagement; it’s an active decision that requires follow-through. It’s an important component of our faith journey.

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Bible, Discipleship, Gospels

How Fasting Increases the Frequency of Prayer

Build your spiritual resilience by adding fasting to your prayer. In our fast-paced Western society, where freedom and prosperity flourish, the spiritual discipline of fasting often takes a back seat. This is unfortunate because fasting holds the key to enhancing the frequency and impact of our prayers. Today we’re going to dive into some of Jesus’ teaching and uncover the crucial connection between prayer and fasting.

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Bible, Church, Discipleship, Ministry, NT

How to Dream a Little Bigger This Year

As we transition into a new year, a question echoes in our hearts and minds: “What’s Next?” Today, I’d like to help you with that question. Not in so much a practical sense, but in seeking God’s vision for your life. Are we willing to open ourselves to something greater? In the next few minutes, we’ll explore three spiritual practices from Romans 12, that can help us align our dreams and aspirations (maybe our New Year’s resolutions) with God’s purpose.

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Bible, Books, Discipleship, Leadership

How to Become a Biblical Leader

Are you ready to become a more effective and spiritually grounded leader? If so, I’m excited to introduce my new book, “Becoming a Biblical Leader: 30 Days of Scriptural Principle and Spiritual Growth” published by Ambassador International. In a world where leadership often emphasizes power, influence, and ambition, this book takes a different approach. It invites you to explore leadership through the lens of faith, humility, and a commitment to aligning your life with the principles found in the Bible.

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Bible, Discipleship, Leadership, NT

How Do People Change After Receiving the Gospel?

Five outcomes of a transformed heart. In chapter 12 of Paul’s letter to the Roman Church, there are some unique outcomes that he lays out, on how an individual responds once they have received the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These responses or perhaps, better clarified as behavioural outcomes, are spurred on by the Holy Spirit and then lived out by the individual.

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Discipleship, Leadership, NT

The Counter-Cultural Way To Build a Legacy

We are bombarded with messages to improve ourselves. “The new you!” “Self-care and self-love!” These and similar pitches push us to the centre of our own attention and at times, the centre of our adoration. This type of thinking and living doesn’t last.

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