Everyone Will Fail Can Win

This week we’ve been working through 1 Timothy 5, discussing Paul‘s words regarding sin. Dealing with sin is good news. But there’s even better news; because chapter 5 ends with a twist.
“In the same way, good deeds are obvious, and even those that are not obvious cannot remain hidden for ever.” (1 Tim. 5:25)
Paul gives Timothy a bit of encouragement in verse 25. Good deeds are similar to sin in how they present themselves.
Whenever we feel like we’ve failed because of our sin, even after we’ve dealt with it in a proper way, the shame can hang on. In that moment, there is nothing that can bring us back and help us heal like a good deed.
But what do good deeds look like? I believe that Scripture shows us four ways that Believers can do good deeds that will invest in the Kingdom.
First (1), we can connect with other Believers.
We can join a small group, prayer group, Bible study, something where Believers are connecting with each other on a regular basis.
Let’s get honest with them about where we’ve been, why we’re there and what we need.
Second (2), we can serve.
We can join a ministry in our church or help out elsewhere. Perhaps at your local Salvation Army or local Food Bank?
Busy hands, feet and mouths can prevent sin from returning.
Third (3), we can give.
And I’m not just talking about giving to our local church, though it’s an important part of giving. Above and beyond, there are thousands of ministry opportunities to give to.
Chose something or someone and take part in giving.
Lastly (3), we can invite someone.
The simplest good deed is based in an invitation. Perhaps to a church service or an outreach event? But more importantly, maybe it’s an invitation for someone to accept the Gospel and put their trust in Jesus Christ?
Trust me, that our sinful desires will be the last thing on our minds when you’re sharing the Gospel with someone.