From a Married Pastor.

This week I’m going to be blogging about a season of life called Singleness.
Before I embark on this journey, I want to give a Singleness Caveat: I want to start with an apology.
I acknowledge the fact that every single is an individual person with an individual story. I understand that some Singles are old and some are young, some have been married before and others have not, some choose to be single and others are waiting for marriage.
Before I begin writing about singleness this week, I want to acknowledge to every single out there that sometimes, married folks in the church like myself, make painful assumptions…
…typically followed by painful comments.
So on behalf of married couples in the church everywhere, this married pastor wants to say, “I’m sorry. Please forgive us.“
Educating The Church
Before we look at Scriptural insight on singleness, we’re going to take some time for singleness education. What kind of comments do singles endure in the church?
Last week, I read “20 Things Christian Singles Never Want To Hear In Church.” From that list, I created a top-10 list of the ones I thought were most common (and humorous).
If you’re single and reading this list, feel free to yell, “Amen!” wherever you are right now!
- 10. But You’re So Pretty, Why Are You Still Single?
- 9. There’s No Marriage in Heaven, You Know.
- 8. Do you even want kids?
- 7. Maybe God has a Very Special Purpose for Your Life.
- 6. It Always Happens When You’re Not Looking.
- 5. You Should Pray About It… More.
- 4. Have you tried online dating?
- 3. Do You Have Hidden Sin?
- 2. God Must Have Someone Extra Special for You If He’s Waiting This Long.
- 1. You’re So Blessed. It’s Like You’re Married to Jesus.
Singles In Scripture
As a last note to singles, I thought I’d give you something a little more useful than a list of things you’ve already heard plenty of times.
Dallas Theological Seminary put together a list of 8 Biblical Singles in an article titled, “They Were Single Too: A Sampling of 8 Bible Characters.” DTS identifies 8 Biblical figures who were singles at some point in their lives:
- Paul (1 Cor. 7:7)
- Anna (Lk. 2:36–38)
- Martha (Lk. 10:38–42)
- Jeremiah (Jer. 1:1–9)
- Ruth (Book of Ruth)
- Joseph (Gen. 37–50)
- Nehemiah (Book of Neh.)
- John the Baptist (Jn. 3:22–30; Mt. 14:1–12)
Singleness Study
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In your opinion, how has the church viewed singleness in the past?