Family, Leadership, Music

Embrace the Now; Being Present to Shape Your Family’s Future

The Technology Trap

I’m a guy who gets excited about the latest tech devices. This has been advantageous as a pastor, leader, and writer. However, as a husband and father, the results are varied. It can prevent me from being present with family.

Although I believe my devices assist me in developing ministry, I often miss the ministry happening right in my own home. Each minute I spend on my MacBook, iPhone, or iPad is a potential loss to my wife and sons.

I’m not saying that I need to throw away all of my devices, but my usage always needs reflection and occasional rejection. The goal isn’t to embrace an Amish paradise and abandon all tech. It wouldn’t work anyway.

History has shown us that husbands and fathers can always find something to distract them from their families.

Focusing on the Present

I know there are many men just like me. We give up precious time in our homes and engage with people outside of our homes. It’s often a component of our work life that can’t be avoided. We’re often planning for plans and projects in the future.

In contrast, our families need our presence. Time with our spouses and children is often present-time. Yet, why do we have so much trouble focusing on the present? And what are we teaching our sons and daughters about being present?

Are we training our children to neglect present relationships to focus on future ones? Are we telling them that planning for the future is more important than enjoying the present?

Training Our Children

Instead, let’s join together to be less focused on our future and more engaged with what the present is presenting.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6)

As a concluding bonus to these thoughts on being present, check out this YouTube clip featuring Christian Poet and hip-hop artist, Propaganda and “Be Present”.

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

  1. How do you balance technology use with being present with your family?
  2. What strategies have you found helpful in staying engaged with your children?
  3. How do you teach your children the importance of being present?

2 thoughts on “Embrace the Now; Being Present to Shape Your Family’s Future

  1. Good thoughts Jeremy.

    All we have is the present.
    The past is gone. Its impact is felt in the present but doesn’t have to define it.
    The future isn’t guaranteed. Its draw is like the sound of the train in the distance (Paul Simon lyric) – the promise of what might be, but out of our control.
    We’re like the grass – its here for a little while and withers.
    Now is all we have.
    Now is when we can make a remarkable difference in someone’s life.
    My ‘now’ may change my ‘tomorrow’ – but my ‘now’ could change the world… if I’m living in it and intentionally looking for ways to be remarkable in someone else’s life.

    1. Thanks for your comment Rod (and encouragement). As a guy who taught me much about ministry life and God’s word, it means a lot! Specifically liked the last line, “my ‘now’ could change the world… if I’m living in it and intentionally looking for ways to be remarkable in someone else’s life.” Thanks again for the support!


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