Northern Roads by Jeremy Norton
Bible, Church, Discipleship, NT

Would the Western Church Benefit From Persecution?

Do we have it too easy?

It’s common to hear us church-goers get into a heated debate over church politics, leadership structure, etc. Every once in a while, I’m reminded and humbled that the Church doesn’t just exist in our Western world circles.

The Church is alive and active all over the world. Much of it, experiencing terrible persecution for their faith. In our Western culture, I wonder if and/or when we will experience persecution. Furthermore, what would it do to our trivial conversations over leadership and authority? Would any of that matter when we’re being hunted down for our faith?

How do we experience persecution now?

If so, what does current persecution look like in the Western world? Is it worth even mentioning? We may be scoffed at for commitments we make surrounding Christ. For example, if a Believer takes a stand-in not using bad language or choosing not to over-consume alcohol.

Some might say they’d lose their job, but I’m not so sure under current labour standards. It might look more like pressure or stress due to one’s faith position, but employment would still be an option. It might mean getting a new job perhaps, with less strict guidelines on what can be discussed at work.

Let’s check out 1 Peter 4 for some insight.

Peter is speaking to Christians who were truly suffering due to persecution for their faith. There was public ridicule but also, at that time, potential for physical harm at the forefront of their decision to go public for Jesus.

12 Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. 14 If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.

1 Peter 4:12-14 (ESV)

How would we act or react if we were faced with the persecution that the early church experienced? I feel like getting mocked or left out in one’s community or workplace is just entry-level suffering for Christ.

Please understand, that I wouldn’t want to suffer in any way, shape, or form. Who would? And I realize the benefit I have, quite comfortable sitting here, writing about persecution. I am fully aware that my writing about persecution, though it may spur on reflections of commitment, is not going to spur my faith (or anyone who reads it) to the same level that persecution would.

So I continue to wonder and reflect. How would the North American church as a whole be spurred on spiritually if we experienced true suffering?

Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering…” (1 Pt. 4:12)

I am quite sure that we would all be very surprised, and our faith would likely grow incredibly.

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

  • How would the Western Church benefit from persecution?
  • Share an account of when you experienced any persecution.
  • How have you witnessed other forms of persecution in other people or other places?

2 thoughts on “Would the Western Church Benefit From Persecution?

  1. Don Garratt says:

    Shocked, more likely than surprised. Ticked that our ‘rights’ were being trampled on. Then, perhaps gradually at first, we would come to the place of recognizing that this is supposed to be part of the normal Christian life. Peter, I believe, is the one who wrote “all who live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution”. The question is how do you define persecution? A person does not have to be beaten or physically abused or killed in order to be persecuted. There are differing levels to be sure.

    The real issue is have we actually accepted that truth from Scripture and are we willing to take the risks that could lead to our being persecuted even in supposedly “free” North America? Another reaction I expect will be that many who today identify with Christ would turn away from Him and His Church quite quickly if a wholesale wave of truly violent persecution ever finally breaks out even here. Jesus seems to have warned that such will be the case at a point not long before His return. In Matt. 24 He made it clear that one of the Signs of His soon returning would be a massive falling away from the faith (I assume He meant the true Gospel message here) and a Global persecution of His true followers. He said point blank, “you will be hated by ALL nations because of me”. That has to include even Canada and the USA.

    So how will I deal with that? I pray often for His grace to be able to deal with it when and if it does come within my lifetime. I have to admit I have not always dealt well with the milder forms that I have experienced at various times in my life. Still He has promised to be with us whatever our circumstances. His message is one both of hope and encouragement but also of warning against falling away from our faith in Him when any form of trial threatens us whether it be ill health, a lost loved one, church fights, persecution or even just the daily pressures of life.

    May we be found faithful in Him whatever the circumstances.

    1. Thanks for leaving your thoughts on this topic Don! As I’ve looked through the few comments you posted, I’m wondering if you don’t have a little blogger in you!?!?

      Above, I liked your question: “The real issue is have we actually accepted that truth from Scripture and are we willing to take the risks that could lead to our being persecuted even in supposedly “free” North America?”

      I agree completely. It’s one thing to do Christian things, yet entirely another to fully live out Christianity (the state of being or attempting to be Christ-like). As I in-sued in my post, I just wonder if it’ll take some real hard-times to get the fence-sitters to abandon the pews; living everyone who’s really into Jesus to firmly take a stand.

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