Northern Roads by Jeremy Norton
Bible, Discipleship, Gospels

The Ability to Start Builds Your Faith

The Ability to Start and Build Momentum in Faith

Have you ever struggled to start a new spiritual commitment? I know I have. Whether it’s a New Year’s resolution, a promise to a friend, or a renewed faith journey, starting can feel overwhelming. But over the years, I’ve learned that the ability to start is where real growth happens in our walk with God.

Every step forward in faith builds the momentum we need to thrive.

Peter’s Leap of Faith

Take Peter, for example. One of Jesus’ closest disciples, Peter knew fear and doubt, just like we do. In Matthew 14, Peter steps out onto the water after asking Jesus if he could join Him. At Jesus’ command, “Come,” Peter stepped out of the boat onto the water. But when he took his eyes off Jesus, fear crept in, and he began to sink. Even then, Jesus was there to catch him (Matthew 14:30-31, ESV).

Peter’s first step wasn’t just about testing his faith; it was about the ability to start trusting Jesus despite fear. His leap led him to experience the miraculous, even when he faltered. Starting something new in faith requires focus, but it’s often at that starting point where we learn to rely on Christ fully.

Restoration Through Commitment

Fast forward to John 21, after Peter denied Jesus three times. Imagine the guilt and shame Peter must have felt. But when Jesus appeared to the disciples after His resurrection, Peter jumped into the water to get to Him as fast as possible. That leap was a renewed declaration of commitment. Peter’s ability to start again showed his readiness for restoration, and Jesus embraced him (John 21:7-17, ESV).

No matter how many times we fail, Jesus welcomes us back when we take the step to start again. Peter’s story shows that the ability to start is a powerful moment that leads to transformation and renewal.

Power In the Ability to Start

The ability to start is essential to our spiritual growth. We can talk about faith all day, but it’s in taking action and starting something new—whether it’s a ministry, a daily prayer habit, or trusting God through a tough situation—that we truly grow.

As we begin new journeys, remember that each commitment to God is an opportunity to build spiritual resilience. Each “yes” sets the stage for transformation. So, what is God calling you to start today? Whatever it is, take that first step, and trust that He’ll guide you through.

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

  • What commitment have you been hesitant to start because of fear or doubt?
  • How can Peter’s story inspire you to take a leap of faith in your own life?
  • What practical steps can you take today to begin a new spiritual commitment?

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