Northern Roads by Jeremy Norton
Communication, Discipleship, Outreach


Churches Need Outreach Ministry.

There are many ways that a church, regardless of size, can connect with the world around them. And yet, so many times we carry a greater inward focus, choosing to camp on discipleship based ministries.

Sure, we may beef up our missions giving and pat ourselves on the back for our passion to outreach. I’m not saying that missionaries don’t need our financial support; because they definitely do!

However, if that’s the extent of our connection with the world, we’re missing it.

What about your community?

What do they need? What do they want? How can your church offer something for them, with the goal of reaching them with the Gospel?

We can’t just take a shot in the dark approach to our outreach ministries. God has been seriously convicting me of this lately.

We must take the necessary steps to educate ourselves about our specific community and the challenges they face. Here’s some steps forward:

1. Buy Some Coffee

Book some lunch appointments and coffee meetings with other non-profits and community leaders.

2. Canvas The Block

Canvas a couple of neighbourhoods, simply asking them what their greatest need is.

3. Watch The News

Keep a watchful eye on local news stories and social media feeds surrounding your neighbourhoods.

4. Work In Public

Spend some time working in diners, coffee shops and other local establishments. Having conversations with management and staff about what they’re seeing as community problems or struggles.

It’s Time To Act

We must gather as much information as possible!

Only then, can we start implementing targeted plans for effective Gospel-driven, evangelism-focused, outreach ministry. Then we’ll really be connecting with the world around us.

Join the Conversation, Leave Your Thoughts

What community-driven outreach plans has your church developed for this coming year? Can you take some time to share the who, what and why with other readers?

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