Church, Leadership, Ministry, The North

Answering the Call to Serve the Canadian-Filipino Community

A Journey of Faith from the Philippines to Brunei to the Yukon

Following yesterday’s post on reaching the growing Canadian-Hispanic population, I want to share part two, focusing on the expanding Canadian-Filipino community across many cities and towns in Canada. Specifically, I want to tell the story of two individuals, Byron and Carmela, who have answered God’s call to serve the growing Filipino community in Whitehorse.

Their journey of ministry was heavily developed during 12 years of service in Brunei before coming to Canada. It is a true testament to their unwavering faith and dedication! Byron served as an underground church pastor in Brunei, facing numerous challenges yet remaining steadfast in his mission.

A Couple with a Calling

I met Byron and Carmela when they showed up at our church with a small community of people following them. Much like Herber had experienced, Byron felt a call to serve as a pastor in the Yukon but couldn’t find a church to support his calling. The difference was that he already had a small group that he was discipling.

We started by hosting a weekly Filipino Community Group, offered in Tagalog or English, depending on who was in attendance. Little by little, we saw more and more Filipinos show up to our Sunday morning gatherings. Byron continued to disciple his group with Carmela by his side, ever faithful in supporting his ministry calling.

Filipino Gatherings in Whitehorse

Soon enough, we started the process of pastoral licensure for Byron through our regional Fellowship office, which he succeeded in. With Whitehorse now having an almost 10% Filipino population, we immediately got to work addressing Byron’s true calling: to host a weekly gathering in Tagalog on Sundays.

The Filipino gathering began with a soft launch on Sunday afternoons at 3:00 PM throughout the month of May, creating a space for Filipinos in Whitehorse to worship and fellowship in their native language. The official launch on June 2nd, 2024 marks a significant milestone for our vision as a church, “To be an authentic, vibrant church, serving and reaching the city.

Embracing Diversity and Building Community

Byron’s role extends beyond leading worship gatherings. He is shepherding a flock, dedicated to building a strong support system, recruiting and training volunteers, and organizing community events.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

Matthew 28:19-20, ESV

Byron’s efforts are crucial to the greater Gospel mission in Whitehorse. He, along with Carmela, is fostering a welcoming environment where Canadian-Filipinos in Whitehorse can find Jesus, then grow and thrive in their faith.

The Impact of Cultural Diversity

Returning to the conversation that started in my last post, embracing cultural diversity within our church isn’t just about inclusion. It’s so much more than that! We’re celebrating the unique contributions that each community brings as part of the Church.

The local church is a picture of heaven, with multiple ethnicities coming together under the banner of Christ. Sure, we offer gatherings in two languages now, and maybe we’ll offer more in the future. Yet, we’re still one local church, under a single mission and vision.

Byron and Carmela’s mission is a shining example of how faith can unite diverse backgrounds, enriching the entire church community.

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

  1. How can we further support multicultural ministry in our community?
  2. What unique challenges do immigrant communities face in your area?
  3. How has cultural diversity enriched your faith journey?

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